Programming Microsoft Access with VBA can be a lot easier if you know the keyboard shortcuts for the most common commands and tasks and the most common bits of code that you’ll use in the editor and immediate windows as you build and debug your Access application.
Common Code for VBA Programming and Debugging in Access
This list which shows you the most common jobs performed in VBA and the statements you need to type to get the VBA task completed, so keep this list handy:
Open a form in Form view:
DoCmd.OpenForm "formname",acNormal
Change a form property on an open form:
Forms![formName].propertyName = newValue
Get value from a control on an open form:
Change value of a control on an open form:
Forms![formName]![controlName].Value = newValue
Change a control property on an open form:
Forms![formName]![controlName].propertyName = newValue
Close a form, saving changes:
DoCmd.Close acForm, "formName", acSaveYes
Print a report:
DoCmd.OpenReport "reportName", acViewNormal
Run an action query:
DoCmd.RunSQL "SQLstatement"
Show a simple message:
MsgBox "yourMessage"
Ask a yes/no question onscreen:
variable = MsgBox("yourMessage", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
Navigating and Selecting Code in VBA
Use these VBA shortcuts in the Code window (used for writing, editing, and viewing VBA) and the Immediate window (which lets you run code any time, right on the spot) to get your jobs done quickly.
Action | Shortcut Key |
Move cursor right one character | → |
Select character to right | Shift+→ |
Move cursor right one word | Ctrl+→ |
Select to end of word | Ctrl+ Shift+→ |
Move cursor left one character | ← |
Select character to left of cursor | Shift+← |
Move cursor left one word | Ctrl+← |
Move cursor to start of line | Home |
Select text to start of line | Shift+Home |
Move cursor to end of line | End |
Select text to end of line | Shift+End |
Move cursor up a line | ↑ |
Move cursor down a line | ↓ |
Move cursor to next procedure | Ctrl+↓ |
Move cursor to previous procedure | Ctrl+↑ |
Scroll up one screen | PgUp |
Scroll down one screen | PgDn |
Go to top of module | Ctrl+Home |
Select all text to top of module | Ctrl+ Shift+Home |
Go to bottom of module | Ctrl+End |
Select all text to bottom of module | Ctrl+ Shift+End |
Cut selection | Ctrl+X |
Copy selection | Ctrl+C |
Paste selection | Ctrl+V |
Cut current line to Clipboard | Ctrl+Y |
Delete to end of word | Ctrl+Delete |
Delete character or selected text | Delete (Del) |
Delete character to left of cursor | Backspace |
Delete to end of word | Ctrl+Delete |
Delete to beginning of word | Ctrl+Backspace |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Indent line | Tab |
Outdent line | Shift+Tab |
Find | Ctrl+F |
Replace | Ctrl+H |
Find Next | F3 |
Find Previous | Shift+F3 |
Get help with currently selected word | F1 |
Quick Info | Ctrl+I |
General VBA Editor Shortcut Keys
The following table shows you some helpful shortcut keys, and their functions, available throughout the Visual Basic editor, where you write, edit, and test your VBA code.
Action | Shortcut Key |
Switch between Access and the VBA editor | Alt+F11 |
Help | F1 |
View Object Browser | F2 |
View properties/events | F4 |
View Code window | F7 |
View Immediate window | Ctrl+G |
View shortcut menu | Shift+F10 (or right-click) |
Run a Sub/UserForm | F5 |
Stop code execution | Ctrl+Break |
Close VBA Editor and return to Access | Alt+Q |
VBA Debugging Shortcut Keys
Since code in a programming language has to be written exactly, there can be no errors or bugs. Fortunately, you can debug code in VBA quickly with these debugging shortcuts:
Action | Shortcut Key |
Toggle breakpoint | F9 |
Step into | F8 |
Step over | Shift+F8 |
Step out | Ctrl+Shift+F8 |
Run to cursor | Ctrl+F8 |
Clear all breakpoints | Ctrl+F9 |
By Alan Simpson